A síndrome SPA (Síndrome do Pensamento Acelerado) é um mal da modernidade, provocada por uma hiperconstrução de pensamentos, capaz de levar um desgaste cerebral com sérias consequências para o corpo e para a mente. Pensar é bom, pensar com consciência crítica é excelente, mas pensar excessivamente e sem gerenciamento é uma bomba contra uma mente livre e emoção saudável. Sintomas: fadiga ao acordar, dores de cabeça, dores musculares, irritabilidade, sofrimento por antecipação, dificuldade de trabalhar com pessoas lentas, transtorno do sono, déficit de memória ou esquecimento, as crianças tem sintomas semelhantes a hiperatividade. Muitos profissionais, incluindo médicos, estão confundindo os dois transtornos, inclusive prescrevendo Ritalina indiscriminadamente. Um erro crasso. Queridos amigos, para aliviar a ansiedade das crianças com a SPA faz-se necessário atividades lúdicas, lentas e elaboradas, como esporte, pintura, instrumentos, desafios, contato com a natureza.
Augusto Cury
The SPA syndrome (Accelerated Thinking Syndrome) is an evil of modernity, caused by a hiperconstrução thoughts, able to take a brain wear with serious consequences for the body and mind. Thinking is good, thinking critical awareness is great, but think excessively and without management is a bomb on a free mind and healthy emotion. Symptoms: fatigue on awakening, headache, muscle aches, irritability, pain in advance, difficult to work with slow people, sleep disorder, memory deficit or forgetfulness, children have symptoms like hyperactivity. Many professionals, including physicians, are confusing the two disorders, including prescribing Ritalin indiscriminately. A blunder. Dear friends, to relieve the anxiety of children with the SPA is necessary recreational activities, slow and elaborate, as a sport, painting, tools, challenges, contact with nature.
Augusto Cury
The SPA syndrome (Accelerated Thinking Syndrome) is an evil of modernity, caused by a hiperconstrução thoughts, able to take a brain wear with serious consequences for the body and mind. Thinking is good, thinking critical awareness is great, but think excessively and without management is a bomb on a free mind and healthy emotion. Symptoms: fatigue on awakening, headache, muscle aches, irritability, pain in advance, difficult to work with slow people, sleep disorder, memory deficit or forgetfulness, children have symptoms like hyperactivity. Many professionals, including physicians, are confusing the two disorders, including prescribing Ritalin indiscriminately. A blunder. Dear friends, to relieve the anxiety of children with the SPA is necessary recreational activities, slow and elaborate, as a sport, painting, tools, challenges, contact with nature.
Augusto Cury