As nossas vidas seguem rotineiramente a repetição diária de hábitos acumulados ao longo dos anos, um dia após outro dia igual ao anterior. Nada nos estimula, vivemos no automatismo diário, sem um real sentido! Nosso íntimo insiste em nos mostrar que há lacunas não preenchidas, mas preferimos não entrar em contato com essa realidade, distraindo-nos do que é realmente essencial para a conquista da paz interior: o encontro consigo mesmo. Transformamos coisas supérfluas em absolutamente necessárias e o que é necessário relegamos a segundo plano! Quando a dor sorrateiramente se instala dentro de nós, algo começa a vir em ebulição, o nosso verdadeiro eu abafado diariamente pelas nossas mentes desatentas. Esse ser espiritual abandonado ao longo dos anos começa a ressurgir com toda a intensidade e nos pergunta: o que tens feito de tua vida?
Surpresos diante deste chamamento, ainda insistimos em não ouvir essa voz interior e ela novamente nos pergunta: o que tens feito de tua vida? Começamos a descobrir que nossas vidas estão em nossas mãos, temos o livre arbítrio de fazer escolhas diariamente no campo dos pensamentos, sentimentos e ações. Lágrimas começam a surgir, como a nos dizer: ainda sou capaz de me emocionar, de sentir meus próprios sentimentos, de observá-los atentamente! Gradativamente essa voz interior surge com mais intensidade, concitando-nos ao despertar espiritual. Começamos a descobrir que na conexão com a nossa intimidade, existe um ser até então desconhecido, capaz de superar as adversidades, os obstáculos, de aprender com os próprios erros, de recomeçar o próprio caminhar, de se auto-transformar. Da fragilidade começamos a construir uma fortaleza que nem a tempestade é capaz de nos arrastar, simplesmente por que nossas mãos estão sendo guiadas pelas mãos do Cristo. Essa revolução interior é lenta e silenciosa, mas gradativa e contínua, quando seguimos definitivamente os ensinamentos crísticos!
Our lives routinely following repeating daily habits accumulated over the years, one day after another equal to the previous day. Nothing encourages us, we live in the automatism daily, without a real sense! Our intimate insists on showing us that there are gaps unfilled, but prefer not to come in contact with this reality, distracting us from what is really essential to the attainment of inner peace: the encounter with oneself. We transform superfluous things at absolutely necessary and what is needed relegate to the background! When pain surreptitiously installs itself within us, something starts to come boiling, our true self muffled our minds daily by inattentive. This spiritual being abandoned over the years begin to reemerge with all the intensity and the question of what you have done to your life?
Surprised before this call, still insist on not listening to that inner voice again and she asks us what you have done to your life? We begin to discover that our lives are in our hands, we have the free will to make choices daily in the field of thoughts, feelings and actions. Tears begin to emerge, as we say, I am still able to thrill me, to feel my own feelings, watching them carefully! Gradually this inner voice emerges most strongly, urging us to spiritual awakening. We begin to discover that in connection with our intimacy, there is a hitherto unknown being able to overcome adversity, obstacles, learn from their mistakes, to start the walking itself, to self-transform. The fragility started building a fortress that neither storm is able to drag us, simply because our hands are being guided by the hand of Christ. This inner revolution is slow and silent but gradual and continuous, as we follow the teachings Christic definitely!
Our lives routinely following repeating daily habits accumulated over the years, one day after another equal to the previous day. Nothing encourages us, we live in the automatism daily, without a real sense! Our intimate insists on showing us that there are gaps unfilled, but prefer not to come in contact with this reality, distracting us from what is really essential to the attainment of inner peace: the encounter with oneself. We transform superfluous things at absolutely necessary and what is needed relegate to the background! When pain surreptitiously installs itself within us, something starts to come boiling, our true self muffled our minds daily by inattentive. This spiritual being abandoned over the years begin to reemerge with all the intensity and the question of what you have done to your life?
Surprised before this call, still insist on not listening to that inner voice again and she asks us what you have done to your life? We begin to discover that our lives are in our hands, we have the free will to make choices daily in the field of thoughts, feelings and actions. Tears begin to emerge, as we say, I am still able to thrill me, to feel my own feelings, watching them carefully! Gradually this inner voice emerges most strongly, urging us to spiritual awakening. We begin to discover that in connection with our intimacy, there is a hitherto unknown being able to overcome adversity, obstacles, learn from their mistakes, to start the walking itself, to self-transform. The fragility started building a fortress that neither storm is able to drag us, simply because our hands are being guided by the hand of Christ. This inner revolution is slow and silent but gradual and continuous, as we follow the teachings Christic definitely!