A Ouvidoria de Pernambuco, através da Coordenadoria de Monitoramento do Acesso à Informação, realiza, regularmente, treinamento com as autoridades designadas para o cumprimento da Lei de Aces-so à Informação. Cada órgão possui três ou quatro autoridades. "Sempre que uma dessas autoridades é substituída, nós realizamos o treinamento", explica a coordenadora de monitoramento do acesso à informação, Elisa Andrade.
São realizados dois tipos de treinamento: um prático e um teórico. No primeiro, o servidor aprende como alimentar a Página de Acesso à Informação. Já o segundo treinamento é uma visão geral sobre a Lei de Acesso à Informação. No terceiro trimestre foram realizados sete treinamentos para equipes da Secretaria de Administração; Secretaria de Trabalho, Qualificação e Emprego; Secretaria da Mulher; Instituto de Terras de Pernambuco e Secretaria de Infraestrutura.
Neste período também foi criada a Página de Acesso à Informação da nova Se-cretaria de Micro e Pequena Empresa. Agora, o Governo de Pernambuco conta com 71 Páginas de Acesso à Informação. De janeiro a setembro de 2014, a Rede de Ouvidoria do Estado registrou 382 pedidos de acesso à informação e dez recursos. Dos pedidos registrados, apenas 4% tiveram o acesso à informação negado, devido à sigilosidade da informação. O que demonstra que o Estado tem dado largo acesso à sociedade às informações por ele produzidas ou custodiadas, conforme estabelece a Lei Estadual de Acesso á Informação (Lei Nº 14.804), de 29 de outubro de 2014.
The Ombudsman of Pernambuco, through the Coordination of Access to Information Monitoring, performs regularly training with the designated authorities for the fulfillment of the Law of Aces-so the information. Each organ has three or four authorities. "Whenever one of these authorities is replaced, we conducted the training," explains the coordinator of monitoring information access, Elisa Andrade.
A practical and a theoretical Two types of training are conducted. At first, the server learns how to feed the page Access to Information. The second training is an overview of the Access to Information Act. In the third quarter seven trainings were conducted for staff of the Department of Administration; Department of Labour, Training and Employment; Women's Secretariat; Pernambuco Land Institute and Department of Infrastructure.
In this period the page Access to Information has also created the new Se-cretaria of Micro and Small Enterprises. Now, the Government of Pernambuco has 71 pages of Access to Information. From January to September 2014, the Network of State Ombudsman's recorded 382 requests for access to information resources and ten. Of registered applications, only 4% had access to information is denied due to secretiveness information. This shows that the state has given wide access to the information society produced by him or custody, as established by State Law on Access to Information (Law No. 14,804), of October 29, 2014.
The Ombudsman of Pernambuco, through the Coordination of Access to Information Monitoring, performs regularly training with the designated authorities for the fulfillment of the Law of Aces-so the information. Each organ has three or four authorities. "Whenever one of these authorities is replaced, we conducted the training," explains the coordinator of monitoring information access, Elisa Andrade.
A practical and a theoretical Two types of training are conducted. At first, the server learns how to feed the page Access to Information. The second training is an overview of the Access to Information Act. In the third quarter seven trainings were conducted for staff of the Department of Administration; Department of Labour, Training and Employment; Women's Secretariat; Pernambuco Land Institute and Department of Infrastructure.
In this period the page Access to Information has also created the new Se-cretaria of Micro and Small Enterprises. Now, the Government of Pernambuco has 71 pages of Access to Information. From January to September 2014, the Network of State Ombudsman's recorded 382 requests for access to information resources and ten. Of registered applications, only 4% had access to information is denied due to secretiveness information. This shows that the state has given wide access to the information society produced by him or custody, as established by State Law on Access to Information (Law No. 14,804), of October 29, 2014.
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