“O amor é um facho de luz, que uma vez aceso, jamais se apagará. Muitos buscam-no durante toda a vida e quando o encontram, simplesmente não suportam a intensidade desta luz. O amor é como o sol, cujos raios irão além dos limites, superando a barreira do tempo, indo além das fronteiras geográficas.
Quem muito ama traz dentro de si a eterna fonte da juventude, rejuvenesce pela própria essência do amor.
É uma brisa suave, acalentadora, encantadora, que suaviza as asperezas do próprio caminhar neste Planeta. Felizes são todos aqueles que muito amam, porque não conhecem o deserto da solidão. Seus dias são preenchidos por um sentido que vai além da compreensão racional, porque não se explica o porquê de se amar, simplesmente se ama. Esse sentimento é o toque divino depositado em todos os corações, quando pelo próprio amor que é portador.
Jamais o amor aprisionará a quem quer que seja, porque através do amor, nossos corações conhecerão definitivamente a experiência libertadora do próprio amor!
Felizes todos aqueles que saíram de sua sonolência espiritual e hoje são instrumentos do amor!”
Alveres (Mensagem Psicografada em 15.01.2013)
"Love is a beam of light, which once lit, will never be quenched. Many seek him for life and when they find it, simply do not support the intensity of this light. Love is like the sun, whose rays go beyond the limits, overcoming the barrier of time, going beyond geographical boundaries.
Who really loves bears within itself the eternal fountain of youth, rejuvenates the very essence of love.
It is a gentle, heartwarming, charming, that softens the harshness of the walking itself on this Planet. Happy are those who really love, because they know not the desert of loneliness. His days are filled with a sense that goes beyond rational understanding, because it is not explained why to love, just love yourself. This feeling is deposited in the divine touch all hearts, when the very love which carries.
Never love to imprison anyone, because through love, our hearts definitely know the liberating experience of love itself!
Blessed are all those who went out of their spiritual slumber and today are instruments of love!"
Who really loves bears within itself the eternal fountain of youth, rejuvenates the very essence of love.
It is a gentle, heartwarming, charming, that softens the harshness of the walking itself on this Planet. Happy are those who really love, because they know not the desert of loneliness. His days are filled with a sense that goes beyond rational understanding, because it is not explained why to love, just love yourself. This feeling is deposited in the divine touch all hearts, when the very love which carries.
Never love to imprison anyone, because through love, our hearts definitely know the liberating experience of love itself!
Blessed are all those who went out of their spiritual slumber and today are instruments of love!"
Alveres (psychographed Post on 1/15/2013)