Na vivência de ontem (22.11.2012)
após a aplicação das agulhas, me vi desdobrada fora do corpo e surge o meu guia
espiritual (Luis Carlos), o qual me fala sobre os desafios da Educação neste
planeta Terra e me convida a ir a uma escola numa região “paupérrima”. Entramos
numa escola de chão batido, cujas crianças estavam seminuas e descalças. O meu
guia chamou-me a atenção quanto à pobreza do local e o grau de dificuldade
daquele grupo de crianças para o processo de aprendizado. Então ele me convida
a visitar um outro local, uma Universidade de primeiro mundo, na qual o
ambiente dos alunos e professores caracterizava-se pela pura intelectualidade,
desassociada completamente da espiritualidade. Luis Carlos me fala que eles
desconheciam as verdades espirituais e o próprio Cristo. Em seguida, convida-me
novamente para um terceiro local. Ao chegar lá, num país oriental, o ambiente
irmanava completa paz, disciplina, culto aos valores humanos e espirituais. A
ambiência era completamente diferente dos anteriores. Senti um enorme bem estar
decorrente da harmonia do ambiente. Então saio da sala de aula e vejo o pátio
da Universidade, no qual fontes de água com jardins admiráveis ali estavam.
Algo surpresa, Luis Carlos me diz que naquele ambiente, se cultivava a religião
Taoísta, os alunos e professores primavam pela harmonia com o meio ambiente, o
que se refletia naturalmente naquele cenário que estava a observar. Surge então
uma moça que me cumprimenta, reverenciando-me e convida-me a entrar numa
espécie de cabine, na qual há uma aplicação de uma luz azul que me envolve
completamente. Em seguida , uma luz prateada jorra sobre a minha mente e Luis Carlos
fala-me sobre a importância dessa luz para facilitar o processo de intercâmbio
mental e a devida clareza das idéias. Reflete a importância do equilíbrio
mental para sermos bem assistidos espiritualmente. Encontrava-me serena e em
In the experience of yesterday (22/11/2012) after application of needles, I found myself deployed outside the body and appears my spirit guide (Luis Carlos), which tells me about the challenges of education on this planet Earth and invites me to go to a school in an area "very poor." We entered a dirt floor school, whose children were half-naked and barefoot. My guide caught my attention about the poverty of the place and the degree of difficulty that group of children to the learning process. Then he invited me to visit another site, a University of the first world, the environment in which students and teachers was characterized by pure intellectuality, spirituality completely disassociated. Luis Carlos tells me that they were unaware of the spiritual truths and Christ himself. Then again invites me to a third location. Once there, an oriental country, the environment irmanava complete peace, discipline, worship and spiritual human values. The atmosphere was completely different from previous ones. I felt a huge welfare resulting from the harmony of the environment. So get out of the classroom and see the courtyard of the University, in which water sources with admirable gardens were there. Something surprise, Luis Carlos tells me that environment, if cultivated the Taoist religion, students and teachers excel for harmony with the environment, which was reflected naturally in that scenario that was watching. He came across a young woman who greets me, revering me and invites me to enter a sort of cabin in which there is an application for a blue light that surrounds me completely. Then a silvery light pours over my mind and Luis Carlos tells me about the importance of light to facilitate the process of exchange and proper mental clarity of ideas. Reflects the importance of mental equilibrium to be well attended spiritually. I found myself calm and at peace.
In the experience of yesterday (22/11/2012) after application of needles, I found myself deployed outside the body and appears my spirit guide (Luis Carlos), which tells me about the challenges of education on this planet Earth and invites me to go to a school in an area "very poor." We entered a dirt floor school, whose children were half-naked and barefoot. My guide caught my attention about the poverty of the place and the degree of difficulty that group of children to the learning process. Then he invited me to visit another site, a University of the first world, the environment in which students and teachers was characterized by pure intellectuality, spirituality completely disassociated. Luis Carlos tells me that they were unaware of the spiritual truths and Christ himself. Then again invites me to a third location. Once there, an oriental country, the environment irmanava complete peace, discipline, worship and spiritual human values. The atmosphere was completely different from previous ones. I felt a huge welfare resulting from the harmony of the environment. So get out of the classroom and see the courtyard of the University, in which water sources with admirable gardens were there. Something surprise, Luis Carlos tells me that environment, if cultivated the Taoist religion, students and teachers excel for harmony with the environment, which was reflected naturally in that scenario that was watching. He came across a young woman who greets me, revering me and invites me to enter a sort of cabin in which there is an application for a blue light that surrounds me completely. Then a silvery light pours over my mind and Luis Carlos tells me about the importance of light to facilitate the process of exchange and proper mental clarity of ideas. Reflects the importance of mental equilibrium to be well attended spiritually. I found myself calm and at peace.
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