Pelas ruas da cidade pessoas
andam num vai e vém, sem rumo, sem objetivos, sem esperanças, vivendo
simplesmente por viver.
Cada dia para cada um de nós é um
presente de Deus, uma nova oportunidade, um recomeço. Talvez quem sabe por essa
cidade passe um anjo e abre suas asas sobre os homens , ensinando-lhes que o
único caminho que nos levará ao encontro do Cristo é o amor!
E nesta longa caminhada que
parece não ter um término, surge a esperança a nos dizer: tudo é um
aprendizado, você superará, Deus te ama profundamente! Essas palavras ecoam no
nosso íntimo, descortinando emoções sublimes que tocam
a nossa alma, elevando-nos a patamares espirituais além da compreensão humana!
City streets people walk in and goings will aimlessly, without goals, without hope, living simply by living.
Each day for each of us is a gift from God, a new opportunity, a new beginning. Maybe who knows this city pass an angel and spreads its wings over men by teaching them that the only way that bears witness to Christ's love!
And this long walk that seems to have an ending, hope comes in to say: everything is a learning experience, you will overcome, God loves you deeply! These words echo in our hearts, revealing sublime emotions that touch our soul, bringing us to spiritual heights beyond human comprehension!
City streets people walk in and goings will aimlessly, without goals, without hope, living simply by living.
Each day for each of us is a gift from God, a new opportunity, a new beginning. Maybe who knows this city pass an angel and spreads its wings over men by teaching them that the only way that bears witness to Christ's love!
And this long walk that seems to have an ending, hope comes in to say: everything is a learning experience, you will overcome, God loves you deeply! These words echo in our hearts, revealing sublime emotions that touch our soul, bringing us to spiritual heights beyond human comprehension!
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