Compreende-se por carência falta, ausência, privação. Do ponto de vista afetivo, a carência é um estado de desnutrição que pode ter tido início desde a fase da infância, advindo de
"Desejos recalcados, expectativas não colimadas, frustrações não superadas; uma descompensação emocional pelas experiências traumáticas mal elaboradas, gerando episódios de conflitos e sofrimentos no automatismo da vida mental. A maior carência humana é de afeto e carinho, sem os quais ninguém se sente humanizado" (Dufaux, p.81).
Nesta prisão dos sentimentos, o ser limita-se a viver na superficialidade, sem aprofundar em si mesmo a consciência espiritual imprescindível ao seu processo de autodescoberta. Sentimentos de conotação perturbadora como solidão, ciúme, dependência psicológica, baixa auto-estima, complexo de inferioridade, insegurança, timidez, ambivalência sexual são decorrentes dessa prisão emocional que construímos a nível do inconsciente, empobrecendo-nos afetivamente e não permitindo-se vivenciar as experiências libertadoras que proporcionam o aprendizado necessário. Neste quadro de desnutrição afetiva generalizada, poucos são os que optam pelo caminho de amar ao próximo como a si mesmo, permanecendo na condição de reféns do amor alheio, vulnerabilizando-se ainda mais numa carência afetiva que não se satisfaz. Quando optamos pelo caminho da perseverança e coragem, mergulhando na nossa intimidade consciencial com a necessária abertura de mente para descortinar as nossas contradições internas, visando o próprio processo de auto-libertação, damos um passo significativo para a auto-superação. Neste sentido, a auto-estima é fator determinante , quando ela se torna escassa, a criatura estará escrava de complexos de inferioridade atormentadores. Assim o processo de comunicação com o nosso semelhante se dará pela perfeita sintonia vibratória e de forma objetiva e clara, em decorrência da perfeita sintonia entre os chakras** coronário e laríngeo (responsável pela emissão da voz). Conforme nos diz Hammed (2000 p. 180),
"Na vida não existe fatalidade, apenas sintonia. Não precisamos ser exatamente iguais aos outros, basta termos afinidade para que ocorra o fenômeno da atração magnética".
A medida que o ser humano evolui sua alma amplia-se, desobstruindo barreiras e ampliando sua consciência, consequentemente, sua espiritualização. Superando em si mesmo as trevas da ignorância, alcança novos patamares de compreensão acerca da sua unicidade com o universo, descobrindo as forças espirituais que é portador e colaborando efetivamente para o seu próprio processo de iluminação interior. O auto-conhecimento é um processo gradativo e deverá ser exercitado ao longo da existência. Ele possibilitará desenvolver uma coerência interna sobre nossos sentimentos e pensamentos, mediante seu poder transformador, à longo prazo, das nossas vulnerabilidades em pontos fortes, ou seja, nossos temores transformam-se em coragem, nosso sofrimento em evolução. O desenvolvimento da inteligência espiritual é possível a todos aqueles que se auto-determinam a conquistá-la, aprofundando em si mesmos a compreensão acerca de suas dualidades, limites e possibilidades existenciais.
** Chakras vem do Sânscrito e significa "roda de luz". Os Chakras são centros de energia, que representam os diferentes aspectos da natureza sutil do ser humano. São eles: corpo físico, emocional, mental e energético. Os sete principais Chakras ficam localizados ao longo da coluna vertebral do corpo humano e, segundo a Tradição Hindu, seguem as cores do arco-íris.
It is understood deficiency lack , absence, deprivation. The affective point of view, the shortage is a state of malnutrition that may have started from the stage of childhood , arising from" Repressed desires, expectations not collimated , frustrations not exceeded; . Emotional decompensation by traumatic experiences poorly designed , causing episodes of conflict and suffering in the automatism of the mental life The greatest human need is affection and care , without which no one feels humanized " ( Dufaux , p.81 ) .
In this prison of feelings , being confined to live in superficiality , without delving into the spiritual consciousness itself indispensable to the process of self-discovery . Feelings of disturbing connotation as loneliness, jealousy, psychological dependence , low self -esteem , inferiority complex , insecurity , shyness , sexual ambivalence arise from this emotional prison we build the unconscious level , impoverishing us affectively and not allowing yourself to experience the liberating experiences that provide the necessary learning . In this context of widespread malnutrition affective , few are those who choose the path of loving your neighbor as yourself , staying on the condition of another's love hostages if vulnerabilizando even more a lack of affection that is not satisfied . When we chose the path of perseverance and courage, dipping into our consciousness intimacy with the necessary openness of mind to uncover our inner contradictions , which support the process of self-liberation itself, we take a significant step toward self -improvement . In this sense , self -esteem is a determining factor when it becomes scarce, the creature will be the slave of inferiority complexes tormentors . Thus the process of communication with our neighbor will be the perfect vibrating tuning and objectively and clearly , due to the perfect harmony between the crown and throat chakras ** ( responsible for issuing the voice) . As he tells us Hammed (2000 p . 180 ).
" In life there is no fatality, just tune. Need not be exactly equal to others , simply terms affinity for the phenomenon of magnetic attraction occurs."
As humans evolve your soul widens , clearing barriers and expanding your consciousness consequently its spiritualization . Overcoming itself the darkness of ignorance , reaches new heights of understanding about their oneness with the universe , discovering the spiritual forces which carries and collaborating effectively to their own process of interior lighting . Self-knowledge is a gradual process and should be exercised throughout the life . It will enable to develop an internal consistency of our feelings and thoughts through their transformative power, the long-term , our vulnerabilities into strengths , ie transform our fears into courage, our suffering evolving . The development of spiritual intelligence is possible to all those who self - determine to win her , deepening the understanding of themselves about their dualities , boundaries and existential possibilities .
Chakras ** comes from Sanskrit and means " wheel of light." The Chakras are energy centers , which represent different aspects of the subtle nature of human beings . Physical, emotional , mental and energetic body : they are. The seven main chakras are located along the spine of the human body , according to Hindu tradition , follow the colors of the rainbow.
It is understood deficiency lack , absence, deprivation. The affective point of view, the shortage is a state of malnutrition that may have started from the stage of childhood , arising from" Repressed desires, expectations not collimated , frustrations not exceeded; . Emotional decompensation by traumatic experiences poorly designed , causing episodes of conflict and suffering in the automatism of the mental life The greatest human need is affection and care , without which no one feels humanized " ( Dufaux , p.81 ) .
In this prison of feelings , being confined to live in superficiality , without delving into the spiritual consciousness itself indispensable to the process of self-discovery . Feelings of disturbing connotation as loneliness, jealousy, psychological dependence , low self -esteem , inferiority complex , insecurity , shyness , sexual ambivalence arise from this emotional prison we build the unconscious level , impoverishing us affectively and not allowing yourself to experience the liberating experiences that provide the necessary learning . In this context of widespread malnutrition affective , few are those who choose the path of loving your neighbor as yourself , staying on the condition of another's love hostages if vulnerabilizando even more a lack of affection that is not satisfied . When we chose the path of perseverance and courage, dipping into our consciousness intimacy with the necessary openness of mind to uncover our inner contradictions , which support the process of self-liberation itself, we take a significant step toward self -improvement . In this sense , self -esteem is a determining factor when it becomes scarce, the creature will be the slave of inferiority complexes tormentors . Thus the process of communication with our neighbor will be the perfect vibrating tuning and objectively and clearly , due to the perfect harmony between the crown and throat chakras ** ( responsible for issuing the voice) . As he tells us Hammed (2000 p . 180 ).
" In life there is no fatality, just tune. Need not be exactly equal to others , simply terms affinity for the phenomenon of magnetic attraction occurs."
As humans evolve your soul widens , clearing barriers and expanding your consciousness consequently its spiritualization . Overcoming itself the darkness of ignorance , reaches new heights of understanding about their oneness with the universe , discovering the spiritual forces which carries and collaborating effectively to their own process of interior lighting . Self-knowledge is a gradual process and should be exercised throughout the life . It will enable to develop an internal consistency of our feelings and thoughts through their transformative power, the long-term , our vulnerabilities into strengths , ie transform our fears into courage, our suffering evolving . The development of spiritual intelligence is possible to all those who self - determine to win her , deepening the understanding of themselves about their dualities , boundaries and existential possibilities .
Chakras ** comes from Sanskrit and means " wheel of light." The Chakras are energy centers , which represent different aspects of the subtle nature of human beings . Physical, emotional , mental and energetic body : they are. The seven main chakras are located along the spine of the human body , according to Hindu tradition , follow the colors of the rainbow.
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