Após a aplicação das agulhas, vi-me fora do corpo e me apresentam uma pirâmide completamente brilhante e translúcida, de uma beleza indescritível!!!! O espírito que me acompanhava fala que essa pirâmide era composta pela energia mais pura da natureza. Que se as pessoas soubessem do que essa energia seria capaz de fazer em suas vidas a utilizariam convenientemente! Ele pede que olhe fixamente a pirâmide e comece a receber a energia que ela concentrava. Sinto que a energia começa a penetrar todos os meus poros, dos pés à cabeça, penetrando todas as minhas células. Então vejo-me completamente brilhante com a energia que recebi. Indescritível a imagem! A seguir vejo-me diante um portal luminoso e vou ultrapassando-o. À medida que o ultrapasso, um espírito sublime se apresenta e fala-me algumas coisas: que tenho atravessado muitas provas, mas que meu espírito deveria aprender a se desapegar da necessidade de amar, ou seja, desprender-se. Fala-me que estou destinada a trilhar um caminho de luz, que eu deveria seguir adiante... Vejo-me caminhando numa estrada de luz. Em seguida vejo-me como um pássaro voando bem alto! Não pude mais continuar a vivência pela posição em que me encontrava, deitada de bruços, pois a dificuldade de respirar me levou a voltar ao corpo!
After application of needles, I was out of my body and have a completely bright and translucent pyramid, indescribably beautiful!! The spirit that accompanied me says that this pyramid was composed of the purest energy of nature. What if people knew that the power would be able to do in their lives would use conveniently! He asks that stares the pyramid and start receiving the energy she concentrated. I feel that the energy begins to penetrate all my pores, from head to foot, penetrating all my cells. So I find myself quite bright with the energy received. Indescribable image! Then I find myself before a luminous portal and will go beyond it. As surpass, sublime spirit appears and tells me a few things: I have gone through many trials, but that my spirit should learn to let go of the need to love, or loosen up. Tell me I'm destined to walk a path of light, that I should go ahead ... I see myself walking on a road of light. Then I see myself as a very high flying bird! I could no longer continue to experience the position where I was, lying on her stomach, difficulty breathing because I took you back to the body!
After application of needles, I was out of my body and have a completely bright and translucent pyramid, indescribably beautiful!! The spirit that accompanied me says that this pyramid was composed of the purest energy of nature. What if people knew that the power would be able to do in their lives would use conveniently! He asks that stares the pyramid and start receiving the energy she concentrated. I feel that the energy begins to penetrate all my pores, from head to foot, penetrating all my cells. So I find myself quite bright with the energy received. Indescribable image! Then I find myself before a luminous portal and will go beyond it. As surpass, sublime spirit appears and tells me a few things: I have gone through many trials, but that my spirit should learn to let go of the need to love, or loosen up. Tell me I'm destined to walk a path of light, that I should go ahead ... I see myself walking on a road of light. Then I see myself as a very high flying bird! I could no longer continue to experience the position where I was, lying on her stomach, difficulty breathing because I took you back to the body!