O mundo jurídico, político, acadêmico e social se reuniu na tarde de 06
de junho de 2014 no restaurante e
pizzaria Atlântico, na cidade de Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE, para homenagear a
ativista de direitos humanos Maria da
Penha, sobrevivente de violência doméstica, que deu origem a lei que leva seu
nome e criminalizou a violência contra a mulher no Brasil. O evento foi uma
iniciativa do presidente da OAB
Jaboatão-Moreno, Dr. Paulo de Tarso e
teve a presença do prefeito Elias Gomes que homenageou a ativista com uma
medalha de honra ao mérito. Na foto com Maria da Penha, o Presidente da OAB Pernambuco, Pedro
Henrique Reynaldo Alves e o Coordenador de Direito Ambiental da Escola de
Advocacia da OAB Pernambuco, Cristiano Carrilho, que também é gestor de
Educação Ambiental e Agenda 21 da Semas.
The legal, political, academic social world met on the afternoon of June 6, 2014 in Atlantic restaurant and pizzeria in the city of Jaboatão Guararapes-PE, to honor human rights activist Maria da Penha, survivor of domestic violence, that gave rise to the law that bears his name and criminalized violence against women in Brazil. The event was an initiative of the President of OAB Jaboatão-Moreno, Dr. Paul of Tarsus and was attended by the Mayor Elias Gomes activist honored with a medal of honor. In the picture the President of OAB Pernambuco, Pedro Henrique Alves and Reynaldo Coordinator Environmental Law Advocacy Ecola OAB Pernambuco, Cristiano Carrilho, who is also manager of Environmental Education and the Agenda 21 Semas.
The legal, political, academic social world met on the afternoon of June 6, 2014 in Atlantic restaurant and pizzeria in the city of Jaboatão Guararapes-PE, to honor human rights activist Maria da Penha, survivor of domestic violence, that gave rise to the law that bears his name and criminalized violence against women in Brazil. The event was an initiative of the President of OAB Jaboatão-Moreno, Dr. Paul of Tarsus and was attended by the Mayor Elias Gomes activist honored with a medal of honor. In the picture the President of OAB Pernambuco, Pedro Henrique Alves and Reynaldo Coordinator Environmental Law Advocacy Ecola OAB Pernambuco, Cristiano Carrilho, who is also manager of Environmental Education and the Agenda 21 Semas.
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