Nesta era atual, o conhecimento
torna-se uma vantagem competitiva, considerando-se que conhecimento é
informação com significado e que na sua volatilidade, necessita ser reavaliado
e ampliado continuamente, aliando-se às novidades tecnológicas. Segundo Peter
Drucker, com a velocidade das transformações, surge um novo trabalhador chamado
“o trabalhador do conhecimento”.
Um ambiente de trabalho torna-se
atrativo não apenas pelos salários e benefícios que oferece, mas, sobretudo,
quando proporciona um aprendizado contínuo do trabalhador. Ainda segundo FLEURY
(2001, p.187) “a noção de competência aparece assim associada a verbos como:
saber agir, mobilizar recursos, integrar saberes múltiplos e complexos, saber
aprender, saber engajar-se, assumir responsabilidades, ter visão estratégica”.
A Gestão por Competências é um
modelo que propõe alinhar o capital intelectual de uma organização com sua
estratégia de negócios, facilitando simultaneamente o desenvolvimento
profissional e pessoal dos colaboradores. Entende-se que cada organização tem
sua especificidade, com competências estratégicas diferentes. Por esta razão, o
Modelo de Competências deve estabelecer-se em função dos requisitos e perfis
que os funcionários devem possuir para seguir a estratégia organizacional,
partindo da filosofia da missão e visão organizacional.
Na última década, a Gestão por
Competências mostrou-se a forma mais útil e eficiente de obter um alto
rendimento e desempenho nas organizações. Entretanto, é importante ter
ponderação, para não “cair na tentação” de querer desenvolver o modelo de
competência de maneira improvisada, sem a suficiente preparação e conhecimento
das modalidades de aplicações e seus impactos. Não podemos esquecer que as
organizações são formadas por pessoas.
Atualmente as empresas estão
despertando para a seleção de colaboradores com sólida formação técnica, mas
com evidentes qualidades humanas, do que trata a Metacompetência, com
embasamento técnico, prático, ético e estético. O estudo, os conhecimentos e o
aperfeiçoamento profissional são necessários, assim como as habilidades humanas
nas relações interpessoais para o alcance dos resultados organizacionais. Neste
cenário, as Ouvidorias surgem como fato inovador no processo de formulação e
implementação de políticas públicas, sendo ferramenta estratégica de gestão,
com fins de escuta estruturada para atender as demandas dos cidadãos.
Quais seriam as competências
necessárias ao ouvidor? Conhecimentos específicos sobre as origens e os modelos
de Ouvidorias existentes no Brasil, seus principais processos, indicadores,
sistema de informações em Ouvidoria, monitoramento e avaliação dos resultados
dentre outros são imprescindíveis ao ouvidor.
Porém, o conhecimento técnico
ainda não é suficiente. Dentre as competências necessárias ao Ouvidor, as
habilidades humanas são fundamentais para o desempenho de suas funções, tais
como flexibilidade, responsabilidade, ética, empreendedorismo, ter autonomia,
motivação, ser confiável, ter bom senso, a capacidade de se comunicar, de
compreender o comportamento humano e desenvolver uma liderança eficaz. No
cotidiano do Ouvidor, ele lida com situações de angústias e conflitos,
exercitando-se na arte de ouvir as pessoas e, sobretudo, na condição de
vivenciar a empatia.
Nessa perspectiva, ELIAS (2005,
p.48) salienta:
E quais são as
razões que explicam o protagonismo da ouvidoria? Ora, o constitucional
princípio da eficiência é a cultura da reclamação, razão de ser da ouvidoria,
consolidou uma aspiração social traduzida por uma nova postura cidadã, que
exige o predomínio da gestão eficaz do bem público com a transparência e
honestidade dos administradores e a colocação da administração a serviço do
cidadão, através da criação de canais de comunicação que propiciem a ampliação
da participação popular. Daí vem a legitimação do papel da ouvidoria que, ao
operar com celeridade e eficácia, exercendo a real função de controle interno
de uma instituição, permite reforçar a sua relação com a sociedade e
especificamente com o cidadão que carece de direitos. Consequentemente, ao instituir
uma ouvidoria, os organismos públicos ou privados demonstram essencial vontade
de agir com eficiência contra as ações de má administração; contra os
comportamentos abusivos e irracionais da burocracia; estimulando a
transparência e a qualidade no atendimento e promovendo o adequado respeito ao
Assim, a perspectiva do
aprendizado contínuo possibilitará ao ouvidor o seu crescimento pessoal, com
visão mais abrangente de conhecimentos e habilidades importantes ao seu
desempenho, numa inter-relação entre objetivos pessoais e organizacionais.
Karla Júlia Marcelino
Gerente de Ouvidoria
do Estado/SCGE
In this current era, knowledge becomes a competitive advantage, considering that knowledge is information with meaning and their volatility, needs to be re-evaluated and continuously expanded, allying itself to new technologies. According to Peter Drucker, with the speed of change, a new worker called the "knowledge worker".
A work environment becomes attractive not only for the salaries and benefits it offers, but especially when it provides a continuous learning of the worker. Also according FLEURY (2001, p.187) "the notion of competence appears as associated with verbs like: know how to act, mobilize resources, integrate multiple and complex knowledge, knowing how to learn, learn to engage, take responsibility, have strategic vision."
The Management Skills is a model that proposes aligning the intellectual capital of an organization with its business strategy, while facilitating professional and personal development of employees. It is understood that each organization has its specificity, with different core competencies. For this reason, the Competency Model should be established according to the requirements and profiles that employees should have to follow the organizational strategy, based on the philosophy of mission and organizational vision.
In the last decade, the Management Skills proved to be the most useful and efficient way to obtain a high yield and performance in organizations. However, it is important to have balance, not "tempted" to want to develop the competency model in an improvised manner, without sufficient preparation and knowledge of the method of application and its impacts. We can not forget that organizations are made up of people.
Now the companies are waking up to the selection of employees with strong technical background, but with obvious human qualities, than comes the metacompetency, on technical grounds, practical, ethical and aesthetic. The study, knowledge and professional development are needed, as well as human skills in interpersonal relationships to achieve organizational results. In this scenario, the Ombudsman emerge as innovative fact in the formulation and implementation of public policies, and strategic management tool, with listening purposes structured to meet the demands of citizens.
What are the skills needed for the ombudsman? Specific knowledge about the origins and the existing Ombudsman models in Brazil, its main processes, indicators, information system Ombudsman, monitoring and evaluation of results among others are essential to the ombudsman.
However, technical knowledge is not enough. Among the skills needed for the Ombudsman, human skills are critical to the performance of its functions, such as flexibility, responsibility, ethics, entrepreneurship, have autonomy, motivation, be reliable, have good judgment, the ability to communicate, to understand the human behavior and develop effective leadership. In the Ombudsman of everyday life, it handles situations of anguish and conflict by working out in the art of listening to people and, above all, on condition of experiencing empathy.
From this perspective, ELIAS (2005, p.48) states:
And what are the reasons that explain the role of the ombudsman? However, the constitutional principle of efficiency is the culture of complaint, reason for the ombudsman, consolidated a social aspiration translated by a new citizen posture, requiring the predominance of effective management of the public good with the transparency and honesty of management and placement the administration to citizen service, by creating communication channels that facilitate the expansion of popular participation. Hence the legitimacy of the role of ombudsman that, when operating with speed and efficiency, exercising real internal control function of an institution, allows strengthen its relationship with society and specifically with the citizen who lacks rights. Consequently, by introducing an ombudsman, public or private organizations demonstrate essential will to act effectively against the mismanagement of shares; against abusive and irrational behavior of the bureaucracy; encouraging transparency and the quality of care and promoting proper respect for citizens.
Thus, the prospect of lifelong learning will enable the ombudsman your personal growth with more comprehensive view of knowledge and skills important to their performance in an inter-relationship between personal and organizational goals.
Karla Julia Marcelino
Ombudsman manager State / SCGE
In this current era, knowledge becomes a competitive advantage, considering that knowledge is information with meaning and their volatility, needs to be re-evaluated and continuously expanded, allying itself to new technologies. According to Peter Drucker, with the speed of change, a new worker called the "knowledge worker".
A work environment becomes attractive not only for the salaries and benefits it offers, but especially when it provides a continuous learning of the worker. Also according FLEURY (2001, p.187) "the notion of competence appears as associated with verbs like: know how to act, mobilize resources, integrate multiple and complex knowledge, knowing how to learn, learn to engage, take responsibility, have strategic vision."
The Management Skills is a model that proposes aligning the intellectual capital of an organization with its business strategy, while facilitating professional and personal development of employees. It is understood that each organization has its specificity, with different core competencies. For this reason, the Competency Model should be established according to the requirements and profiles that employees should have to follow the organizational strategy, based on the philosophy of mission and organizational vision.
In the last decade, the Management Skills proved to be the most useful and efficient way to obtain a high yield and performance in organizations. However, it is important to have balance, not "tempted" to want to develop the competency model in an improvised manner, without sufficient preparation and knowledge of the method of application and its impacts. We can not forget that organizations are made up of people.
Now the companies are waking up to the selection of employees with strong technical background, but with obvious human qualities, than comes the metacompetency, on technical grounds, practical, ethical and aesthetic. The study, knowledge and professional development are needed, as well as human skills in interpersonal relationships to achieve organizational results. In this scenario, the Ombudsman emerge as innovative fact in the formulation and implementation of public policies, and strategic management tool, with listening purposes structured to meet the demands of citizens.
What are the skills needed for the ombudsman? Specific knowledge about the origins and the existing Ombudsman models in Brazil, its main processes, indicators, information system Ombudsman, monitoring and evaluation of results among others are essential to the ombudsman.
However, technical knowledge is not enough. Among the skills needed for the Ombudsman, human skills are critical to the performance of its functions, such as flexibility, responsibility, ethics, entrepreneurship, have autonomy, motivation, be reliable, have good judgment, the ability to communicate, to understand the human behavior and develop effective leadership. In the Ombudsman of everyday life, it handles situations of anguish and conflict by working out in the art of listening to people and, above all, on condition of experiencing empathy.
From this perspective, ELIAS (2005, p.48) states:
And what are the reasons that explain the role of the ombudsman? However, the constitutional principle of efficiency is the culture of complaint, reason for the ombudsman, consolidated a social aspiration translated by a new citizen posture, requiring the predominance of effective management of the public good with the transparency and honesty of management and placement the administration to citizen service, by creating communication channels that facilitate the expansion of popular participation. Hence the legitimacy of the role of ombudsman that, when operating with speed and efficiency, exercising real internal control function of an institution, allows strengthen its relationship with society and specifically with the citizen who lacks rights. Consequently, by introducing an ombudsman, public or private organizations demonstrate essential will to act effectively against the mismanagement of shares; against abusive and irrational behavior of the bureaucracy; encouraging transparency and the quality of care and promoting proper respect for citizens.
Thus, the prospect of lifelong learning will enable the ombudsman your personal growth with more comprehensive view of knowledge and skills important to their performance in an inter-relationship between personal and organizational goals.
Karla Julia Marcelino
Ombudsman manager State / SCGE
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