curioso observar como a vida nos oferece resposta aos mais variados
questionamentos do dia a dia de maneira simples. Lembre-se de que: A
mais longa caminhada só é possível passo a passo. O mais belo livro do
mundo foi escrito letra por letra. Os dias passam, segundo a
segundo. As mais fortes cachoeiras se formam de pequenas fontes. Não
fosse a gota e não haveria chuvas. As imensas dunas
se compõem de minúsculos grãos de areia. É curioso pensar que de
apenas 7 notas musicais tenham feito músicas lindas , as suas
preferidas .Assim também o mundo que nós sonhamos e queremos só será
construído a partir de pequenos gestos partindo de nós mesmos Ninguém
pode mudar o mundo, mas podemos mudar uma pequena parcela dele: esta
parcela que chamamos de "Eu". Não é fácil nem rápido, Mas vale a pena
Autor Desconhecido
It's amusing that life offers us to answer various questions of everyday life in a simple way. Remember that: The longest walk is only possible step by step. The most beautiful book in the world was written letter by letter. Days pass, second by second. The strongest waterfalls are formed of small fonts. There was a drop and there would be no rain. The immense dunes are composed of tiny grains of sand. Strangely enough, only 7 musical notes have made beautiful songs, their favorite. Likewise the world that we dream and we will only be built from small gestures starting with ourselves Nobody can change the world, but we can change a little portion of it: this installment we call "I". It is not easy or quick, but worth a try!
Author Unknown
Autor Desconhecido
It's amusing that life offers us to answer various questions of everyday life in a simple way. Remember that: The longest walk is only possible step by step. The most beautiful book in the world was written letter by letter. Days pass, second by second. The strongest waterfalls are formed of small fonts. There was a drop and there would be no rain. The immense dunes are composed of tiny grains of sand. Strangely enough, only 7 musical notes have made beautiful songs, their favorite. Likewise the world that we dream and we will only be built from small gestures starting with ourselves Nobody can change the world, but we can change a little portion of it: this installment we call "I". It is not easy or quick, but worth a try!
Author Unknown
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