Feliz daquele que ama pois jamais conhecerá a solidão, a aridez dos sentimentos. Seu coração estará repleto de bons sentimentos, que se materializarão através de atitudes de benevolência. Até que sintamos o verdadeiro amor, quantas montanhas terão que ser removidas, a fim de que finalmente o amor vença o egoísmo, o individualismo e o interesse pessoal. Quem ama cuida, pensa na felicidade do próximo, fala com generosidade, jamais se compraz em humilhar ou mesmo magoar o seu próximo. O amor está acima dos pequenos defeitos ou aspectos que não aprovamos no semelhante. Esses aspectos são transitórios e conseguimos enxergá-los não como são agora mas como serão no futuro. Quantos passam pela vida sem nunca terem amado.No amor o tempo deixa de existir e simplesmente se eterniza nos breves momentos desta existência. Que felicidade é amar. Bendito seja todo aquele que ama pois aprendeu a principal lição de Jesus: "meus discípulos serão conhecidos por muito se amarem!!!!
Happy is he who loves because he will never know the loneliness, the aridity of feelings. Your heart will be filled with good feelings that materialize through benevolence attitudes. Until we feel true love, how many mountains have to be removed in order to finally win the love selfishness, individualism and self-interest. Who loves cares, think of the happiness of others, speaking generously, never pleased to humiliate or hurt his neighbor. Love is above the small defects or aspects that do not approve the like. These aspects are transient and we see them not as they are now but as they will be. How many go through life without ever having amado.No love time ceases to exist and simply perpetuates the brief moments of this existence. What happiness is love. Blessed be he who loves it learned the main lesson of Jesus: "My disciples will be known by a lot to love !!!!
Happy is he who loves because he will never know the loneliness, the aridity of feelings. Your heart will be filled with good feelings that materialize through benevolence attitudes. Until we feel true love, how many mountains have to be removed in order to finally win the love selfishness, individualism and self-interest. Who loves cares, think of the happiness of others, speaking generously, never pleased to humiliate or hurt his neighbor. Love is above the small defects or aspects that do not approve the like. These aspects are transient and we see them not as they are now but as they will be. How many go through life without ever having amado.No love time ceases to exist and simply perpetuates the brief moments of this existence. What happiness is love. Blessed be he who loves it learned the main lesson of Jesus: "My disciples will be known by a lot to love !!!!
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