No tratamento da acupuntura de hoje (31.07.23012), após a aplicação das agulhas, Dr. Carlos retirou-se do santuário (consultório) e eu me vi sozinha. Minhas mãos estavam frias como de costume, tentei esvaziar a mente para torná-la receptível à uma possível vivência espiritual. Tranquilizei a minha respiração e relaxei o corpo. Senti desprendendo-me gradativamente do corpo, num processo de desdobramento.Vi-me em pé fora da maca onde meu corpo estava deitado e diante de mim, apareceu a estrela translúcida de beleza maravilhosa! Encanta-me essa estrela e não consigo tirar os olhos dela. Então um espírito desconhecido apresenta-se como sendo o guia espiritual do meu filho Júlio (atualmente com seis anos de idade). Pergunto-lhe qual a orientação sobre como conduzir o meu filho e ela me responde que acima de qualquer coisa o "ame" profundamente, que o resto Deus se encarregaria. Que no futuro próximo eu me supreenderia com a sua capacidade intelectual e que ele possivelmente se tornaria médico, numa perspectiva holística, devendo seu poder mental ser direcionado para o bem, transformando seu nível de agressividade em atitudes benéficas para o seu próximo. Que orasse a Deus por ele.
Junto a esse espírito, cujo nome não sei informar, encontravam-se em seguida o médico espiritual que trabalha pelo intermédio de Dr. Carlos (médico acupunturista) e o mesmo sorri para mim, além do meu guia espiritual Luis Carlos, o qual me diz que sempre que me ampararia espiritualmente. Uma sensação de paz e serenidade me envolve o ser, sinto um bem-estar profundo me envolvendo completamente, como se estivesse mergulhada num plasma de amor naquele ambiente maravilhoso. Nada me aflige e sinto-me completamente segura e amparada espiritualmente.
Novamente o guia espiritual de Júlio retoma a palavra e me mostra um céu estrelado, referindo que todos os seres humanos deveriam estar conectados ao Universo. Em seguida sinto a brisa da praia e o vento sobre os meus cabelos. Sinto uma alegria, leveza e vivencio uma liberdade real, quando ela me diz que meu espírito é completamente livre para vivenciar essas experiências. Vejo algumas paisagens lindas da Terra e escuto as palavras doces deste espírito me dizendo o quanto Deus nos ama a todos, proporcionando-nos este Planeta para que vivamos felizes e o que estamos a fazer com nossas vidas? Então vejo-me novamente no santuário e ele fica inundado de uma luz maravilhosa, um verdadeiro sol esplendoroso!A figura do mestre me aparece e diante dele vejo-me completamente extasiada e pergunto-lhe: o que queres que eu faça? Então ele me diz: segue os meus passos. Tua vida não mais te pertence, mas sim ao meu pai. Então ele me fala das bem aventuranças e cita: Bendito seja todo aquele que me testemunha diante do próximo. Bendito seja todo aquele que consola os aflitos do caminho. Bendito seja todo aquele que ampara o semelhante. Bendito os puros de coração!... Uma emoção profunda me envolve e perco completamente a noção do tempo. Dr. Carlos entra no santuário, verifica as agulhas, porém encontro-me completamente arrebatada por essa visão maravilhosa e ele retira-se em seguida. Continuo embevecida pela presença do mestre, ele amorosamente fala-me sobre o poder do amor, que minha vida não seria mais a mesma.Que eu era bem aventurada por amá-lo e buscar seguir seus ensinamentos diariamente. Que eu propagasse seus ensinos ao meu semelhante, devendo minha capacidade de amar se expandir. Que o futuro me reservaria oportunidades de colocar o amor em prática, vivenciando-o plenamente. Então pergunto-lhe se devo relatar essa experiência e ele me responde que devo escrevê-la aos corações de boa vontade!
Uma felicidade me envolveu o ser nesta experiência que vivenciei, as palavras não conseguem expressar os sentimentos que senti, todas as dificuldades pelas quais já passei e ainda vivencio nada se compara ao que recebi nesta vivência espiritual de tamanha beleza que me emociona até as lágrimas. Como agradecer a Deus o que tenho recebido, se nada fiz ainda por merecer tamanha dádiva! O quanto somos amparados espiritualmente, bastando termos a conexão necessária com a espiritualidade, orando e entregando nossos corações a Deus e ao Cristo. A transitoriedade desta vida nos revela que precisamos aprender a aprender, reconhecer que sem amar o próximo como a si mesmo não conseguiremos caminhar com passos firmes. O caminho do amor nos libertará dos sofrimentos decorrentes do egoísmo que ainda predomina na Terra. As lições memoráveis do Cristo deverão estar em nossas mentes e nossos corações.
In acupuncture treatment today (31.07.23012), after application of needles, Dr. Carlos retired from the sanctuary (office) and I found myself alone. My hands were cold as usual, tried to empty the mind to make it amenable to a possible spiritual experience. My breathing calmed and relaxed body. I felt myself gradually loosening the body, a process desdobramento.Vi me standing outside the litter where my body was lying before me, the star appeared translucent beauty wonderful! The star enchants me and I can not take your eyes off her. Then a spirit unknown presents itself as the spiritual guide of my son Jules (currently six years old). I ask him what guidance on how to conduct my son and she replies that above all else "love" deeply, that God would take care the rest. In the near future I supreenderia with his intellectual capacity and that he might become a doctor, a holistic perspective, his mental power should be directed to the right, turning your level of aggression in actions that are beneficial to your neighbor.
To pray to God for him.Along with this spirit, whose name I do not know tell, were then the spiritual doctor who works by means of Dr. Carlos (medical practitioner) and even smiles at me, but my spiritual guide, Luis Carlos, which tells me that whenever I give shelter spiritually. A sense of peace and serenity involves me being, I feel a deep welfare involving me completely, as if immersed in a plasma of love in that beautiful environment. Nothing distresses me and I feel completely safe and supported spiritually.
Again, the spiritual guide of Julius takes the word and show me a starry sky, indicating that all humans should be connected to the Universe. Then feel the sea breeze and the wind on my hair. I feel a joy, lightness, and I experience a real freedom, when she tells me that my mind is completely free to live these experiences. I see some beautiful landscapes of the earth and hear the sweet words of this spirit telling me how much God loves us all, giving us this planet to live happy and what we are doing with our lives? So I find myself again in the sanctuary and it is filled with a wonderful light, a truly splendid sun! The figure of the master appears and before him I see myself completely enraptured and ask her: What wilt thou have me do? Then he tells me, follow my steps. Your life no longer belongs to you, but my father. Then he tells me, citing the Beatitudes: Blessed is every one that I witness before the next. Blessed be every one who comforts the afflicted of the way. Blessed be everyone who supports the similar. Blessed are the pure in heart! ... A deep emotion surrounds me and I lose all sense of time. Dr. Carlos enters the sanctuary, there needles, but I find myself completely swept away by this wonderful sight and he retires then. I still enraptured by the presence of the master, he lovingly tells me about the power of love, my life would never be the mesma.Que I was blessed to love him and seek to follow his teachings daily. I propagate his teachings to my fellows, my capacity to love must expand. I would reserve that future opportunities to put love into practice, experiencing it fully. Then ask her if I report this experience and he answers me I should write to the hearts of good will!
A happiness to me to be involved in this experience that I experienced, words can not express the feelings I felt, all the difficulties they've gone and still I experience nothing compares to what I received this spiritual experience of such beauty that moves me to tears. How to thank God that I have received, even if I did nothing to deserve such a gift! How we are spiritually sustained by simply having the necessary connection with spirituality, praying and giving our hearts to God and Christ. The transience of this life reveals to us that we must learn to learn, recognize that without loving your neighbor as yourself will not be able to walk with firm steps. The way of love will set us free from the sufferings arising out of selfishness which still prevails on Earth. The lessons of Christ should be memorable in our minds and our hearts.
In acupuncture treatment today (31.07.23012), after application of needles, Dr. Carlos retired from the sanctuary (office) and I found myself alone. My hands were cold as usual, tried to empty the mind to make it amenable to a possible spiritual experience. My breathing calmed and relaxed body. I felt myself gradually loosening the body, a process desdobramento.Vi me standing outside the litter where my body was lying before me, the star appeared translucent beauty wonderful! The star enchants me and I can not take your eyes off her. Then a spirit unknown presents itself as the spiritual guide of my son Jules (currently six years old). I ask him what guidance on how to conduct my son and she replies that above all else "love" deeply, that God would take care the rest. In the near future I supreenderia with his intellectual capacity and that he might become a doctor, a holistic perspective, his mental power should be directed to the right, turning your level of aggression in actions that are beneficial to your neighbor.
To pray to God for him.Along with this spirit, whose name I do not know tell, were then the spiritual doctor who works by means of Dr. Carlos (medical practitioner) and even smiles at me, but my spiritual guide, Luis Carlos, which tells me that whenever I give shelter spiritually. A sense of peace and serenity involves me being, I feel a deep welfare involving me completely, as if immersed in a plasma of love in that beautiful environment. Nothing distresses me and I feel completely safe and supported spiritually.
Again, the spiritual guide of Julius takes the word and show me a starry sky, indicating that all humans should be connected to the Universe. Then feel the sea breeze and the wind on my hair. I feel a joy, lightness, and I experience a real freedom, when she tells me that my mind is completely free to live these experiences. I see some beautiful landscapes of the earth and hear the sweet words of this spirit telling me how much God loves us all, giving us this planet to live happy and what we are doing with our lives? So I find myself again in the sanctuary and it is filled with a wonderful light, a truly splendid sun! The figure of the master appears and before him I see myself completely enraptured and ask her: What wilt thou have me do? Then he tells me, follow my steps. Your life no longer belongs to you, but my father. Then he tells me, citing the Beatitudes: Blessed is every one that I witness before the next. Blessed be every one who comforts the afflicted of the way. Blessed be everyone who supports the similar. Blessed are the pure in heart! ... A deep emotion surrounds me and I lose all sense of time. Dr. Carlos enters the sanctuary, there needles, but I find myself completely swept away by this wonderful sight and he retires then. I still enraptured by the presence of the master, he lovingly tells me about the power of love, my life would never be the mesma.Que I was blessed to love him and seek to follow his teachings daily. I propagate his teachings to my fellows, my capacity to love must expand. I would reserve that future opportunities to put love into practice, experiencing it fully. Then ask her if I report this experience and he answers me I should write to the hearts of good will!
A happiness to me to be involved in this experience that I experienced, words can not express the feelings I felt, all the difficulties they've gone and still I experience nothing compares to what I received this spiritual experience of such beauty that moves me to tears. How to thank God that I have received, even if I did nothing to deserve such a gift! How we are spiritually sustained by simply having the necessary connection with spirituality, praying and giving our hearts to God and Christ. The transience of this life reveals to us that we must learn to learn, recognize that without loving your neighbor as yourself will not be able to walk with firm steps. The way of love will set us free from the sufferings arising out of selfishness which still prevails on Earth. The lessons of Christ should be memorable in our minds and our hearts.