E aconteceu que, estando Jesus assentado à mesa numa casa, eis que, vindo muitos publicanos e pecadores, se assentaram a comer com ele com os seus discípulos. E vendo isto os Fariseus diziam aos seus discípulos: Por que come o vosso mestre com os publicanos e pecadores? Mas ouvindo-os Jesus disse: Os sãos não tem necessidade de médico, mas sim os enfermos (Mateus, IX:10-12).
Jeus veio trazer a sua palavra consoladora e libertadora aos que são doentes, sofredores, humildes de coração e que o buscam pelo coração e não simplesmente pela presunção do falso saber!
Para sentir o Cristo, é necessário buscá-lo no coração. Ouvir a voz do coração é imprescindível para esse encontro que já vimos postergando há muito tempo, ocupados que nos encontramos com tudo que é transitório, considerando-se que priorizamos o que absolutamente não é imprescindível nas nossas vidas. A voz suave e serena do Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo nos convida há quanto tempo para esse encontro? E porque não o escutamos? E se escutamos o seu chamamento, porque não nos permitimos encontrá-lo definitivamente no nosso coração? O encontro com o mestre Jesus significa um novo caminho, no qual não seremos mais seduzidos pelas aparências do "ter", mas ao contrário, buscaremos vivenciar o "ser", nesta incessante ascensão espiritual que nos é absolutamente imprescindível ao progresso individual. As nossas vidas deverão ter um significado, um sentido que norteie as nossas ações. Aprenderemos lições tão simples e ao mesmo tempo tão significativas: "meus discípulos serão conhecidos por muito se amarem". Amamos realmente o nosso próximo? Nos preocupamos em amenizar-lhes os sofrimentos? Então surge a necessária coragem da fé. Em Mateus, X:32-33 Jesus dizia "Todo aquele, pois, que me confessar diante dos homens, também eu o confessarei diante de meu Pai que está nos céus; e o que me negar diante dos homens, também eu o negarei diante de meu Pai, que está nos céus. Quantos de nós deixamos de dar o testemunho de seus ensinamentos, falamos em nome do Cristo mas não vivenciamos os seus ensinamentos? Não basta simplesmente propagarmos as suas lições, há que vivenciá-las.E como vivenciá-las se não amamos realmente o nosso semelhante? Quanta estrada teremos que percorrer neste aprendizado?
Permitir que o mestre entre no seu coração significa que você está quebrando os grilhões do egoísmo que durante tanto tempo vem lhe aprisonando o ser. Muitas vezes o Cristo fala pelo intermédio do nosso próximo, quando este nos solicita a caridade do nosso tempo para simplesmente ouví-lo! É preciso que estejamos atentos aos chamamentos do alto. As boas oportunidades que surgem nas nossas vidas são convites para sermos instrumentos do bem e do consolo aos que sofrem. Há tanta desesperança e solidão nos corações, nunca a humanidade esteve tão aflita quanto na atualidade! O que podemos fazer diante deste aparente caos? O sopro renovador da esperança nos concita a sermos instrumentos do amor, levando um pouco de alegria e mitigando as dores ocultas dos seres humanos. Um pequeno gesto pode fazer uma grande diferença. Uma pequena atenção poderá resgatar corações do desespero. Basta um pouco de boa vontade para sairmos da inércia. A oração diária nos alimenta o ser, fortalecendo-nos para os embates do cotidiano. E para orar basta pensarmos no Cristo e no nosso pai e rogar-lhes com sinceridade a ajuda necessária. As compensações que Jesus promete aos aflitos da Terra tem como princípio a vida futura. As vicissitudes da vida tem uma causa e como Deus é infinitamente justo e misericordioso, essa causa deve ser justa. Há que se perguntar: estamos gerando voluntariamente sofrimentos para nós mesmos, em decorrência da má utilização do nosso livre-arbítrio? Quantos de nós não estamos sendo os autores dos seus próprios infortúnios?
Quando refletimos na misericórdia de Deus para com a nossa pequenez espiritual, um sentimento de gratidão nos invade a alma e finalmente conseguimos entregar os nossos corações ao pai dizendo-lhe: Senhor, o que queres que eu faça? Então as nossas vidas não mais nos pertencem e sim ao pai. Ele nos direcionará os passos trôpegos e nos mostrará qual o caminho a seguir.Como Paulo de Tarso à caminho de Damasco, escutaremos o chamamento do Cristo quando ele se dirigia a Saulo de Tarso: Saulo porque me persegues? O exemplo de conversão interior de Saulo, transformando-se em Paulo é sublime e real, mostrando a todos nós, os doentes da alma, que poderemos curar as nossas mazelas morais e aprendermos o real siginificado de nossas vidas: amar a Deus sobre todas as coisas e ao próximo como a si mesmo!
And it happened, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came, sat down to eat with him and his disciples. And seeing this the Pharisees said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners? But listening to them Jesus said: The sound does not need a doctor but the sick (Matthew, IX :10-12).
Jeus has brought his words comforting and liberating those who are sick, suffering, and humble of heart who seek the heart and not simply the assumption of false knowledge!
To feel the Christ, is to search for it in the heart. Listen to the voice of the heart is essential for this meeting we've ever seen delaying long, we are busy with all that is transitory, considering that prioritize what is absolutely essential in our lives. The soft voice and quiet of our Lord Jesus Christ invites us how long for this encounter? And why not listen? And if we hear his call, why not allow ourselves to definitely find it in our hearts? The encounter with the Master Jesus means a new way in which we will not be swayed by appearances "have", but rather seek to experience the "being", this incessant spiritual ascent that we are absolutely indispensable to individual advancement. Our lives should have a meaning, a meaning that guides our actions. We will learn lessons so simple and yet so significant: "My disciples are known to be very loving." We truly love our neighbor? We care to alleviate their sufferings? Then comes the necessary courage of faith. In Matthew, X :32-33 Jesus said "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father in heaven, and he who denies Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father in heaven. How many of us fail to bear witness to his teachings, we speak in Christ's name but not his teaching experience? not enough to simply propagarmos their lessons, it is experiencing-as living at las.E them if they do not really love our neighbor? How much road will have to go through this learning?
Allow the master into your heart means you are breaking the shackles of selfishness that comes to him for so long aprisonando being. Often Christ speaks by means of our neighbor, when it asks us to love our time to just listen to it! We need to be aware of the summons from on high. The good opportunities that arise in our lives are invitations to be instruments of good and comfort to those who suffer. There is so much hopelessness and loneliness in the hearts of humanity has never been so worried about today! What can we do about this apparent chaos? The breath of hope in renewing concita to be instruments of love, bringing a little joy and alleviating the pain hidden from humans. A small gesture can make a big difference. A little attention can redeem hearts despair. Just a little good will to come out of inertia. Daily prayer feeds being, strengthening us for the struggles of everyday life. And just think to pray in Christ and our father and plead with them earnestly the help you need. Compensation that Jesus promises to the poor of the earth's principle the afterlife. The vicissitudes of life has a cause and as God is infinitely just and merciful, this cause must be just. One has to ask, we are creating suffering for ourselves voluntarily, due to the misuse of our free will? How many of us we are the authors of their own misfortunes?
When we reflect on God's mercy towards our smallness spirit, a sense of gratitude invades the soul and finally managed to give our hearts to his father telling him: Lord, what wilt thou have me do? So our lives no longer belong to us but to the father. He directs the steps unsteady and show us which way to seguir.Como Paul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus, we will hear the call of Christ when he spoke to Saul of Tarsus Saul why persecutest thou me? The example of interior conversion of Saul becoming Paul is sublime and real, showing us all the sick of soul, we can heal our wounds and learn the real moral siginificado of our lives: to love God above all and your neighbor as yourself!
And it happened, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came, sat down to eat with him and his disciples. And seeing this the Pharisees said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners? But listening to them Jesus said: The sound does not need a doctor but the sick (Matthew, IX :10-12).
Jeus has brought his words comforting and liberating those who are sick, suffering, and humble of heart who seek the heart and not simply the assumption of false knowledge!
To feel the Christ, is to search for it in the heart. Listen to the voice of the heart is essential for this meeting we've ever seen delaying long, we are busy with all that is transitory, considering that prioritize what is absolutely essential in our lives. The soft voice and quiet of our Lord Jesus Christ invites us how long for this encounter? And why not listen? And if we hear his call, why not allow ourselves to definitely find it in our hearts? The encounter with the Master Jesus means a new way in which we will not be swayed by appearances "have", but rather seek to experience the "being", this incessant spiritual ascent that we are absolutely indispensable to individual advancement. Our lives should have a meaning, a meaning that guides our actions. We will learn lessons so simple and yet so significant: "My disciples are known to be very loving." We truly love our neighbor? We care to alleviate their sufferings? Then comes the necessary courage of faith. In Matthew, X :32-33 Jesus said "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father in heaven, and he who denies Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father in heaven. How many of us fail to bear witness to his teachings, we speak in Christ's name but not his teaching experience? not enough to simply propagarmos their lessons, it is experiencing-as living at las.E them if they do not really love our neighbor? How much road will have to go through this learning?
Allow the master into your heart means you are breaking the shackles of selfishness that comes to him for so long aprisonando being. Often Christ speaks by means of our neighbor, when it asks us to love our time to just listen to it! We need to be aware of the summons from on high. The good opportunities that arise in our lives are invitations to be instruments of good and comfort to those who suffer. There is so much hopelessness and loneliness in the hearts of humanity has never been so worried about today! What can we do about this apparent chaos? The breath of hope in renewing concita to be instruments of love, bringing a little joy and alleviating the pain hidden from humans. A small gesture can make a big difference. A little attention can redeem hearts despair. Just a little good will to come out of inertia. Daily prayer feeds being, strengthening us for the struggles of everyday life. And just think to pray in Christ and our father and plead with them earnestly the help you need. Compensation that Jesus promises to the poor of the earth's principle the afterlife. The vicissitudes of life has a cause and as God is infinitely just and merciful, this cause must be just. One has to ask, we are creating suffering for ourselves voluntarily, due to the misuse of our free will? How many of us we are the authors of their own misfortunes?
When we reflect on God's mercy towards our smallness spirit, a sense of gratitude invades the soul and finally managed to give our hearts to his father telling him: Lord, what wilt thou have me do? So our lives no longer belong to us but to the father. He directs the steps unsteady and show us which way to seguir.Como Paul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus, we will hear the call of Christ when he spoke to Saul of Tarsus Saul why persecutest thou me? The example of interior conversion of Saul becoming Paul is sublime and real, showing us all the sick of soul, we can heal our wounds and learn the real moral siginificado of our lives: to love God above all and your neighbor as yourself!
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