quarta-feira, 3 de abril de 2013

Meditação Atenciosa

Trata-se se uma técnica simples de desencadear um estado de relaxamento profundo de corpo e mente. À medida que a mente se aquieta ¾ e permanece desperta ¾ você vai se beneficiar de um estado de consciência mais profundo e tranqüilo.
Antes de começar, encontre um local silencioso em que não vá ser pertubado.

Sente-se e feche os olhos.

Concentre-se na respiração, mas inspire e expire normalmente. Não tente controlar ou alterar a respiração deliberadamente. Apenas observe.

Ao observar a respiração, vai ver que ela muda. Haverá variações na velocidade, no ritmo e na profundidade, e pode ser que ela pare por um momento. Não tente provocar nenhuma alteração. Novamente, apenas observe.

Pode ser que você se desconcentre de vez em quando, pensando em outras coisas ou prestando atenção aos ruídos externos. Se isso acontecer, desvie a atenção para a respiração.

Se durante a meditação você perceber que está se concentrando em algum sentimento ou expectativa, simplesmente volte a prestar atenção na respiração.

Meditation Caring

It is a simple technique to trigger a state of deep relaxation of body and mind. As the mind settles down and stays awake ¾ ¾ you will benefit from a state of consciousness deeper and peaceful.Before you begin, find a quiet place where not going to be disturbed.Sit down and close your eyes.

Focus on your breath, but breathe in and out normally. Do not try to control or alter breathing deliberately.
Just watch.

By observing the breath, you will see that it changes. There will be variations in speed, pace and depth, and she may stop for a moment. Do not try to cause any change.
Again, just watch.
Can you desconcentre occasionally, thinking about other things or paying attention to the outside noise.
If this happens, shift your attention to your breath.

If during meditation you realize you're focusing on some feeling or expectation, just re-watch the breath.

Practice this technique for fifteen minutes. Finally, keep your eyes closed and relaxed stay for two or three minutes. Exit state of meditation gradually open your eyes and take your routine.

I suggest meditation practice attentive twice daily, morning and late afternoon. If you are angry or agitated, can practice it for a few minutes in the middle of the day to recover the shaft.

In meditation practice you will by one of three experiments. But you must resist the temptation to evaluate the experience or ability to follow directions, because all three reactions are "correct."You may feel bored or restless, and the mind will be filled with thoughts. That means deep emotions being released. If you continue to relax and meditate, will eliminate these influences of body and mind.

You can fall asleep. If this happens during meditation, is a sign that you've been needing more hours of rest.
You can enter the range of thoughts
beyond sound and breath.

If enough rest, maintain good health and devote themselves to meditation every day, you will achieve meaningful contact with the self. Will be able to communicate with the cosmic mind, the voice that speaks without words and that is always present in the intervals between one thought and another. This is your superior intelligence unlimited, Their supreme and true genius, which, in turn, reflects the wisdom of the universe.

Everything is at your fingertips if you trust the inner wisdom.

From the book: Perfect HealthDr. Deepak Chopra - Best Seller Publisher

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